Sweet Spot Apie Tool

Hello Friends:

I can’t believe that it’s been over a year since I sent you a post. It’s a good thing that I didn’t plan another wellness conference in 2020 – YIKES! Little did we know that a Nano-speck would bring the entire global community to its knees.

Right now, there is a kind of hush all over the world, as the sounds of silence descend upon us. This forced stillness is like a blank page that we can draw on to gain perspective and realign our priorities. I thought that now might be an appropriate time to send out a tool that I developed when I wrote my book, Still Sexy After Sixty. It’s called the Sweet Spot Apie (pronounced ‘appy’). APIE is an acronym for Assess, Plan, Implement and Evaluate. Click on the link below and make a few copies for family and friends. It’s all about finding your unique sweet spot in life and acting on it. This tool might help to jump start the process.

As we re-imagine our tomorrows, let’s test positive for joy, keep our distance from doubt and isolate from fear. Wishing you wellness in 2021. And who knows I might just plan another Women’s Wellness Conference for 2022.


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YOUR DNA: Nature vs Nurture … it’s not all in your genes

Hello everyone!

 Thank you so much for having me at the Women’s Wellness Conference in Gravenhurst!  I had the best time and you were a fantastic audience!  I wish I could have had more time, and I am sorry that I ended up rushing at the end, and not getting to all of the material.

For that reason, I have asked Sue to add the PPT presentation to her website, along with some links to documentaries, videos, and articles that I mentioned.

I hope you learned a little bit about genetics and maybe I will see you in the future sometime at another workshop about epigenetics and medicine!  J

All the best, and thanks for the warm welcome!


Contact Information

Dr. Jane Gair

Medical Genetics

Island Medical Program

University of British Columbia and University of Victoria


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