
May be an image of ‎1 person and ‎text that says '‎SEXY SIXTY STILL AFTER مده 7 LIFE'S SECRETS SWEET FINDING SPOT SUSAN KELLY MUSKOKA LIBRARIES COLLABORATION Virtual Author Event Susan with Kelly 7PM SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 MLPL MUSKKALS PUBLIC IBRARY MUSKOKA LAKES Lake Bays Township Public Library Gruenntrst Bracebridge Public ۔ TOWNSHIP GEORGIAN BAY LIBRARY Books signed by the author available for $20 CONTACT US TO PARTICIPATE Gravenhurst Public Library or 705-687-3382‎'‎‎

Real Life Talks with Yvonne Heath:


Hunters Bay Radio: Sweet Spots with Sue Kelly

Podcast Available Here:



We’re thrilled to see the 2019 Women’s Wellness Conference Collingwood included in a great feature article on You can read the full story here. See you November 1st, 2019! 

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